Mr. Ajay On Phone To Central Bank of India India Service
I want to know central bank of India Account number. 3342300680 Name. Mr. Dipak kumarNext of kin. Avani sonal kumaris it true of fake ?.
Did she is mailing you as well ??.
Mr. Vikram Kumar Singh On Phone To Central Bank of India India Service
1000 thousand rupees balance are detected to my account at a time credit money from the ATM date of the 21/08/2015. So please refund the detected money to the my account. Account number - 3409998242Name - Vikram Kumar Singh Branch - SimdegaDist - simdegaState - jharkhand.
Mr. Arif Imam On Phone To Central Bank of India India Service
Very bad service. I am trying from since one hour. But it is not connecting.
Mr. Mithlesh Rk Pandey On Phone To Central Bank of India India Service
Dear sir what happened my ecs return and cut return charge. four month ago not problem, but April and may why ecs return. Please. Give me solution. My air condition. No. 3399728896Mithlesh Rk Pandey .
Mr. Nupur Goel On Phone To Central Bank of India India Service
Sir my self nupur sir my father have a account in your bank in pilkhuwa branch sir my father submit a cheque in a bank, but dat cheque was not pas by other branch we submit our on 15 April 2015 now the date is six may 2015. Til now there is no response mention and amount in a cheque is one lakh 9hunderd three hundred and thirty five rupes. How was responsible for the late submissions of our cheque so please kindly take any action otherwise we will take. And please solve our problems as soon as possible so dat we can trust your branch and bank again.
Mr. Ravindra Kumar On Phone To Central Bank of India India Service
Aapka ye helpline no to kam hi nahi karta 18002001911.
Mr. Rushit K.kamdar On Phone To Central Bank of India India Service
Dear sir, my name is mr. Rushit k. Kamdar and i have saving account in central bank of India at rajkot main branch and my account number is 1372871319 and i have to come huge fund transfer from central bank of India branch Delhi br. A/c. No. 3342300680 mr. Mohan kumar. But today i have come one call on this 91 9654237186 number she name is mrs. Avanti sharma and she says me i have to pay sum 18500=00 to bank and then after bank transfer this fund in my account and i said them you cut this amount in this fund so she tel me it is not possible so i say to you it is why do not possible ? she is right person or wrong. Can i trust them or not. If possible send me urgent reply. Rushit.
Mr. Narendra On Phone To Central Bank of India India Service
Hello, can i know how much time will be taken for a transaction through mobile banking via funds transfer.
Mr. Uttam Verma On Phone To Central Bank of India India Service
Sir i open an account in your bank c. B. I in the scheme of January Dhan Yojna by camp. But do not get any receiving. My subsidy transfered in bank c. B. I. This is confirmed by Indane gas. Bank branch saying come with letter which i do not get so sir please tell me what i do.
Mr. Taher Abbas Tinwala On Phone To Central Bank of India India Service
I am not able to register into 3D secure. It shows authentication can not provide. Please try again later.
Mr. salim khan On Phone To Central Bank of India India Service
i cant open my account where ever i try to log in it demanding friends tag photo identy again and again pleas give me my account authantication.