Huawei Gurgaon Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Huawei Gurgaon is 0124-4774700 / 0091-124-4774700 .
A Chinese telecom Giant has made recognizable position in international market. The company was first established in China which deals in Telecom hardware and equipments. These products are widely used by most of Indian telecom operators. The company has also launched Smartphone in international market. Huawei technology corporation limited, the telephony maker has ripped down its long term Target for social media devices sales to businesses by the launch of smartphone. Huawei is also listed in Global Fortune 500 list which released in 2010. Huawei won Green Mobile Award at GSMA Mobile Awards 2009.

Mailing Address of Huawei Gurgaon

In order to send their mails regarding the services of Huawei Gurgaon, users can use the below offered contacts as:
9th Floor, Tower D,
Unitech Cyber Park,
Sector 39 Gurgaon,
Haryana, India
Tel: 0124-4774700

Headquarters of Huawei Gurgaon

The main office of the Huawei Gurgaon is located at the below offered address or can also make a simple call at the given numbers as:
14th Floor, Tower C,
Unitech Cyber Park,
Sector-39, Gurgaon-122002,
Tel: 0091-124-4774700
Fax: 0091-124-4774863

Representative Office of Huawei Gurgaon

In order to get connected with the representative office of the Huawei Gurgaon which locates at the below mentioned address as:
9th Floor,
Vishwaroop IT Park,
Behind Raghuleela Mall,
Near Vashi Railway Station,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
Tel: 0091-22-39580808
Fax: 0091-22-39162116

Media Contacts of Huawei Gurgaon

For the press holders, the Huawei Gurgaon offers separate contacts in order to get the quick info of the media relations of Huawei Gurgaon includes as:
Maggie Qi:
Tel: +86 755-89242309
Non-media inquiries: +86 755-28780808

Suresh Vaidyanathan:
Tel: +91 124-4774700

Business Cooperation:
Tel:+86(0755)3391 3712

Huawei Gurgaon Address

The address of Huawei Gurgaon is 9th Floor, Tower D, Unitech Cyber Park, Sector 39 Gurgaon, Haryana, India.

Huawei Gurgaon Email Address

The email address of Huawei Gurgaon is

Huawei Gurgaon Website

The Website of Huawei Gurgaon is

Huawei Gurgaon Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Huawei Gurgaon is 0124-4774700 / 0091-124-4774700 (Click phone number to call).

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The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Huawei Gurgaon Service Center and Huawei Gurgaon customer care number is given below. The helpline of Huawei Gurgaon customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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