Mr. Priya Narvekar On Phone To Passport Office Goa Service
My passport was not delivered by the postman and returned back to paaport office, when i went to the post office the postman was saying sorry, NOW HOW DO I GET IT BACK, PLEASE GUIDE, THIS IS Priya Narvekar N MY FILE NO IS GO1079317573916, AND MY HUSBANDS IS GO1079317392916.
Mr. Kolins Fernandes On Phone To Passport Office Goa Service
My name is Kolins Fernandes , holder of Portuguese Passport, working in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and my daughter Miss. Jolantha Xaviera Fernandes, Date of Birth 03-12-2000 holding Indian Passport, her passport is expiring in January 2016. Please let me know the procedure in renewing the same. Point concerned:Do I have to send a NOC letter to you, and if so, do I have to attest it here in United Arab Emirates, if so, then which Embassy I have to get it attested, Indian or Portugal?Since I will be coming down to Goa in May 2016, can I wait till May 2016 to renew the same and can sign the form directly instead of sending a letter?Since my daughter is Minor, do we need to attach a address proof or myself or my Wife's passport copy will do as a address proof?Your urgent reply with regards to the above would be highly appreciated.
Mr. Pritesh Sangam On Phone To Passport Office Goa Service
I send email to office to about my passport is not get to my hand please if my passport still in office please contact to me my number 8007437442.
Mr. Pritesh Sangam On Phone To Passport Office Goa Service
My name is pritrsh sangam I apply for passport year of between 2005 to 2006 and I lost my recipe of passport I do not get my passport in my hand I kindly request for passport officer to give my passport for me.
Mr. Sakharam Gawas On Phone To Passport Office Goa Service
Dear sir i have taken passport in year 1992 which is lost when i am shifting my house. Now i wanted to apply fresh passport, but i have no old passport number. Kindly requesting you to advice me how to find my old passport number. My name is sakharam sahadev gawas date of birth 24/06/1967.
Prasanna Arjun Ayir On Phone To Passport Office Goa Service
Good evening,
I attended the appoinment at passport office patto panaji on 13/02/2013 and my police verification at my respective place i.e, Quepem and Curchorem CID office was held on 07/03/2013 and as per my enquiry at my police station report has being already sent and it was informed to me that i will be receiving my passpot by 2weeks of police verification.
But i hav not received my passport copy yet today.
please kindly give me the update and reason for delay of passport.
Name:Prasanna Arjun Ayir.
my File No.:Go1061817684113
Receipt No.:Go1F13304261757
contact number :8446451341