Ac Moore Human Resources Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Ac Moore Human Resources is +1 888-226-6673 .
Ac Moore Human Resources refers to the human resource wing of Ac Moore company. Ac Moore is a departmental store based in New Jersey, United States. Incorporated in 1985, Ac Moore deals with the production of different crafted items. Ac Moore Human Resources offers different employee benefits for their employees which includes Medical Insurance, Dental Insurance, Prescription Plan,Life insurance and AD&D, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Paid time off, etc.

Ac Moore Human Resources - valuable Contact Info

The various contact numbers for different technical issues regarding any of the services or products of Ac Moore Human Resources are written below:
  • Customer Service: 1-888-ACMOORE.
  • Human Resources: +1 888-226-6673

Ac Moore Human Resources Toll Free Number

Various Contact options have been devised by the Customer service team of Ac Moore Human Resources and you can avail more information about the Ac Moore Human Resources by calling on their toll free number. This toll free number has been offered so that customer can contact Ac Moore Human Resources with out being charged. Through this Toll Free numbers Customers will be able to talk freely with the customer care unit of Ac Moore Human Resources. This toll free number of Ac Moore Human Resources is available to both the customer members and non-members of Ac Moore Human Resources. The toll free number of Ac Moore Human Resources is written below:

Ac Moore Human Resources Employment Options

Besides the above important services, the team of Ac Moore Human Resources are in need of employees for their business service locations. They are hiring individuals who can work for the betterment of their business branches. If you are in need of such an opportunity, then this is the best place to be at. More of the career related info can be availed from their official Career page. Here we are providing a direct link that will take you to the career page of Ac Moore Human Resources:

Ac Moore Human Resources Address

The address of Ac Moore Human Resources is 130 A.C. Moore Drive, Berlin, New Jersey, NJ-08009 United States.

Ac Moore Human Resources Email Address

The email address of Ac Moore Human Resources is

Ac Moore Human Resources Website

The Website of Ac Moore Human Resources is

Ac Moore Human Resources Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ac Moore Human Resources is +1 888-226-6673 (Click phone number to call).

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The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ac Moore Human Resources Service Center and Ac Moore Human Resources customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Ac Moore Human Resources customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Ac Moore Human Resources Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Felicia Caputo CallsNov 18, 2018

Ms. Felicia Caputo On Phone To Ac Moore Human Resources Service
Hello I issued me a final write up yesterday 11/17/18 for leaving work without permission on 11/14/18 at 4:52pm. I was scheduled to work till 9pm. The reason I left was because I became upset with Marj the assistant manager while discussing the d/c delivery. During this time of year we usually get 28 to 30 pallets most of which are heavy a bulky it is too much for two people and it would have been just her and myself receiving it on that day. Marge gave me an attitude and said fine stay out on the floor I do not need you. I felt truly insulted being that I have always been a team player. I have worked for AC Moore since 10/29/14. I also have a pre existing back injury and have been hurt twice receiving the truck and have asked numerous times to be taken off, but have not been acknowledged. I feel that I always go above and beyond for this company and now if feel like my job is threatened because of this.

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