Bus Eireann Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Bus Eireann is +353-18302222, 18366111 .
Bus Eireann is a local bus transportation company based in Ireland that provides public and school bus services across the nation. The company was founded in the year 1987 that is operated as a flagship company of the Coras Iompair Eireann (CIE). As of 2014, it has become a leading bus service provider across the Ireland including exception of Dublin City.

Bus Eireann Services:

There are several types of transport services offered by Bus Eireann which include Urban Coach Services, City and Town Bus Services, Ancillary Services, School Bus Services, Commuter bus services, etc. The city and town bus service of Bus Eireann is offered to people in Athlone, Balbriggan, Cork, Drogheda, Dundalk, Galway, Limerick, Navan, Sligo and Waterford. In addition, Bus Eireann also has several Natural Gas Buses and the first Natural Gas Bus by company was started on 17th of July 2012 in Cork.

Bus Eireann Fleets

Bus Eireann operates with more than 1,300 buses and coaches in the country. Out of which, more than 700 buses are providing school transport services and other are based on Expressway, rural and city services. The mostly buses of Bus Eireann are manufactured by the world's top rated automobile manufactures like Scania, VDL Berkhof and Volvo. The main hub of Bus Eireann is located in Central Dublin that is called as Busaras (Central Bus Station).

Workforce of Bus Eireann

Bus Eireann has a team of more than 2,700 people, which is consists of Drivers, conductors, mechanics, Supervisors, Regional Managers, Board Members, etc.

Bus Eireann Office Address:

The main office of Bus Eireann to operate all local offices and bus stations in Ireland is located at Broadstone, Dublin 7, Co Dublin, Ireland.

Bus Eireann Customer Service Number:

The customer representatives to provide information about buses, bus routs, tickets, etc. are available at +353-18302222 or +353-18366111.

Bus Eireann Customer Support Email:

For any kind of information related to Bus Eireann bus services like tickets, fairs, locations, bus stations and timings, customers can also mail at info@buseireann.ie.

Bus Eireann Website:

To know much more information about the Bus Eireann, visit on the official website, www.buseireann.ie

Bus Eireann Social Links

Bus Eireann Twitter Account: twitter.com/buseireann/
Bus Eireann Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/buseireann

Bus Eireann Address

The address of Bus Eireann is Broadstone, Dublin 7, Co Dublin, Ireland.

Bus Eireann Email Address

The email address of Bus Eireann is info@buseireann.ie.

Bus Eireann Website

The Website of Bus Eireann is www.buseireann.ie.

Bus Eireann Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bus Eireann is +353-18302222, 18366111 (Click phone number to call).

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Bus Eireann Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. John Mac Erlean CallsJan 02, 2018

Not sure that this is the correct procedure for complaints. If not, would you pass it to the relevant authority. My problem is with the 100x service, serving Dublin airport from and to Dundalk. I use this service 7/9 times in a year. Twice in the last year I was left standing at the stop as there was no room on the bus, bus full. I felt the need to write this letter as I was speaking to a lady to-day who had to get a taxi to Dundalk having been refused carriage on three or four 100x buses as they were all full, yesterday. This is simply not good enough. This service also stops at Drogheda and is available every hour (except when full). There is a separate service to Drogheda every half hour. The way I see around this problem is to board Dundalk customers first. That way people would only be inconvenienced for a half hour instead of a full hour. My reason for this letter is to complain it's now up to Bus Eireann to solve it.

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