Forest Pharmaceuticals Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Forest Pharmaceuticals is +1-212-421-7850 .
In the pharmaceutical sector in the United States, Forest Pharmaceuticals is a big name, which is based in New York. The company is involved in the production, selling and marketing of branded drug products and medicines that are developed for nervous system, gastrointestinal, anti-infective, respiratory, etc. The company was emerded in the year 1954 but later on it was acquired by Actavis Plc.

Coming to Actavis Plc

As we mentioned above, Actavis plc is a parent company of Forest Pharmaceuticals. The company is considered globe's finest and eminent brand. The company put its first step in the pharmaceutical business in the spring of 1983 when its foundation were laid by two people namely Allen Chao, Ph.D. and David Hsia, Ph.D. According to released report on March 2015, the company has associated with nearly forty production facilities, twenty seven research and development centers as well as marketing/sales units throughout world. The pharmaceutical company is registered as 'ACT' in New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) as well as also a part of S&P 500 Component.

Contact Us link of Forest Pharmaceuticals
Through this link, the online user can get the entire contact and mailing address of Forest Pharmaceuticals.

Company Overview/About Us link of Forest Pharmaceuticals
After put this link on URL bar, the online user can get the entire corporate information regarding Forest Pharmaceuticals.

Company Overview/About Us link of Actavis Plc
After put this link on URL bar, the online user can get the entire corporate information regarding Actavis Plc.

Contact Us link of Actavis Plc
After put this link on URL bar, the online user can get the entire corporate information regarding Actavis Plc.

Forest Pharmaceuticals Address

The address of Forest Pharmaceuticals is 909 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022, United States.

Forest Pharmaceuticals Website

The Website of Forest Pharmaceuticals is

Forest Pharmaceuticals Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Forest Pharmaceuticals is +1-212-421-7850 (Click phone number to call).

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The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Forest Pharmaceuticals Service Center and Forest Pharmaceuticals customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Forest Pharmaceuticals customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Forest Pharmaceuticals Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Rose Mary Haverlack CallsJul 30, 2019

Let me begin this e-mail by stating that THIS IS NOT A COMPLAINT. My Name is Rose Mary Haverlack and I live in The Villages, FL. I am trying to find financial assistance for my 180 MG prescription of Armour Thyroid. I am retired and on a fixed income. My Medicare primary insurance does not recognize Armour Thyroid and will not assist in my $50. 00 monthly payment for the drug. Therefore, my secondary insurance, Health Options Program, will not pay either. Is there a way that Forest Pharmaceuticals can assist me? I called the Customer Phone Number +1-212-421-7850, but was told that the number is disconnected. Please contact me with hopefully helpful information to reduce the cost of this monthly medication. My e-mail is RoseHaverlack@comcast. Net
Thank you for your assistance.

Customer care male
Mr. Danyial CallsApr 04, 2018

Mr. Danyial On Phone To Forest Pharmaceuticals Service
I am looking for lexapro five and ten mg. Kindly let me know the prices
I need 300 tablets each my friend is already in st louis. Regards.

Customer care female
Ms. Jeanette Abbey CallsSep 29, 2017

Your representative Deborah Lord is not conducting herself in a professional manner. While she is calling on physicians and staff in Genesee County, Michigan, she is telling horrible lies about me. I have worked in the medical field for 35 years in Genesee County, seven of them as a drug rep myself. She is ruining my reputation and putting my livelihood at risk. We were friends for a long time, that ended July 2016. For one year, I have been told from different offices that she is in there talking about me. I know as many people in this town as she does since I have worked in the medical community for this many years. I have contacted my lawyer today and we will be obtaining depositions from these Medical professionals that she has talked about me to. Deborah Lord is representing Forest Pharmaceuticals. She is not there to take up the practitioners time talking about her personal life of lies.

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