Golden Gate Transit Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Golden Gate Transit is 511, +1-415-455-2000 .
Golden Gate Transit shortly as GGT that is known as a public transportation system, providing bus services across the California. GGT emerged on 1st of January 1972, and is operated by the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District. The Golden Gate Transit has total twenty seven routes, covering San Francisco Bay Area through over 190 buses. In addition, it has thirteen routes, providing bus services in Marin County as Marin Transit. Over the areas, it has total 780 stops, out of which two hubs, namely San Rafael Transit Center and Santa Rosa Transit Mall. It provides services to over 22,170 passengers every day.

Golden Gate Transit Customer Service Center

For any kind of information related to GGT fare, schedules, routes, etc., you can contact with the GGT Customer Service Center by calling at 511 (toll-free) or +1-415-455-2000 or 711 (TDD), available in more than 150 languages. In addition you can visit at center, located at San Rafael Transit Center, Platform D, 850 Tamalpais Ave., San Rafael, CA 94901, USA. The timings of GGT are: Mon through Fri 07:00 am to 06:00 pm.

For any kind of general transit inquiries, send an email at

Important Forms of Golden Gate Transit

If you have any type of query about Transit and Ferry services of Golden Gate, so for that you can go with the online form, mentioned below.

For Bus operations and services, use the online Bus Comment form, available at

For Ferry operations and services, use the online Ferry Comment form, available at

Important Links of Golden Gate Transit

To check out the complete route details of GGT, visit at

For current bus schedules, visit at

Explore the official website for more information and follow through the following social profiles to get in touch.

Golden Gate Transit Facebook:

Golden Gate Transit on Twitter:

Golden Gate Transit Address

The address of Golden Gate Transit is 1011 Andersen Drive, San Rafael, California 94901-5318, United States.

Golden Gate Transit Email Address

The email address of Golden Gate Transit is

Golden Gate Transit Website

The Website of Golden Gate Transit is

Golden Gate Transit Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Golden Gate Transit is 511, +1-415-455-2000 (Click phone number to call).

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The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Golden Gate Transit Service Center and Golden Gate Transit customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Golden Gate Transit customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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