University of Agricultural Science Dharwad Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of University of Agricultural Science Dharwad is 08362747958 .

University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad was established on October 1, 1986. The objectives of the University as defined in the Act are as follows. The newly formed University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad has 4 Colleges, 25 Research Stations, 6 Extension Education Units, 5 Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s and ATIC. The University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad has its jurisdiction over 7 districts namely Bagalkot, Belgaum, Bijapur, Dharwad, Gadag, Haveri, and Uttar Kannada in northern Karnataka. Greater diversity exists in soil types, climate, topography cropping and farming situations. The jurisdiction includes dry-farming to heavy rainfall and irrigated area. Important crops of the region include sorghum, cotton, rice, pulses, chili, sugarcane, groundnut, sunflower, wheat, safflower etc. The region is also known for many horticultural crops.

The mission of the University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad is to provide leadership in teaching, research and extension related to agriculture and allied sciences. The University has been making efforts to keep pace with new frontiers of science and contemporary developments to be socially, economically and technically relevant. The University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad is strongly committed to develop the needed excellent manpower and useful technologies and their dissemination to serve the farming community of the State, in general, and its jurisdiction, in particular. The growth and development of University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad has been possible due to the foresight and dedication of the Vice-chancellors and their contribution during their tenure.

In pursuit of providing professional service to the farming community in the 12 northern districts of Karnataka State, India in modernizing agriculture, the College of Agriculture was established in 1947 by the erstwhile Bombay State Government at the Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad about 8 km away from the University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad campus. With the reorganization of states of India during 1956, the college came under the administrative control of the Department of Agriculture, Mysore State (later named as Karnataka State). The College was affiliated to Bombay University soon after its formation and then to University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad in 1950. It became the constituent college of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore in 1965 and then came under the purview of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad with effect from 1st October 1986, the day on which a separate University for the northern Karnataka region was formed. University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad has multi-fold functions of teaching, research and extension in the field of agricultural and allied sciences.

University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad is located at Krishi Nagar, Dharwad, Karnataka. The University Library came into existence, with the establishment of UAS, Dharwad on 01.10.1986. Consequent to the formation of new University, the College of Agriculture library became University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad Library. The Library consists of about one lakh documents, which includes Books, Theses, Reports, Pamphlets and Back Volumes of Periodicals. Library has about 9000 theses. It maintains a copy of thesis submitted by the PG students, for the award of their Master and Ph.D. degree. The Teachers, Research personnel and Non teaching staff of the University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad, up to the cadre of Lab Assistants, and bonfire Students of UAS main campus, are eligible for the membership. The persons, who wish to consult the books in the library for specific purpose, can also make use of library, temporarily.

University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad provides the UG programmes are offered in six fields, namely, Agriculture (at Dharwad, Raichur, Bijapur and Bheemarayanagudi), Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation and Agri-Business Management (at Dharwad), Rural Home Science (at Dharwad), Agricultural Engineering (at Raichur), Horticulture (at Arabhavi) and Forestry (at Sirsi). PG programmes are offered at Dharwad, Raichur, Bidar, Arabhavi and Sirsi campuses in 31 disciplines for master’s degree and in 17 disciplines for doctoral degree.

The University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad covers 28% of the geographical, 27% of total cultivated and 14% of the irrigated area in the State, spreading across 7 districts of Northern Karnataka. A number of agricultural, horticultural and plantation crops represent the rich heritage of the area. There are five major agricultural irrigation projects, viz., Tungabhadra, Upper Krishna, Malaprabha, Ghataprabha which provide irrigation to about 7.18 lakh ha. Accounting for 27 per cent of the total cultivated area. The region is endowed with a variety of climate, soils and crops. The University of Agricultural Science - UAS Dharwad covers four Agro-climatic Zones, viz., Northern Dry Zone, Northern Transitional Zone, Hilly Zone and Coastal Zone. Research needs of the farmers are catered through the research work being carried out in 25 Agricultural Research Stations spread across diverse agro-ecosystems, 28 AICRPs and nearly 190 externally funded adhoc projects.

University of Agricultural Science Dharwad Address

The address of University of Agricultural Science Dharwad is Krishi Nagar, Dharwad, Karnataka..

University of Agricultural Science Dharwad Email Address

The email address of University of Agricultural Science Dharwad is

University of Agricultural Science Dharwad Website

The Website of University of Agricultural Science Dharwad is

University of Agricultural Science Dharwad Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Agricultural Science Dharwad is 08362747958 (Click phone number to call).

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